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    Racquets Policies & Code of Conduct

Court Reservation Policies

  • Full Members can book any Racquets court up to 6 Days in Advance.
  • Pickleball Only Members can book PICKLEBALL Courts up to 5 Days in Advance.
  • Platform Tennis Only Memers can book PLATFORM TENNIS courts up to 5 Days in Advance.
  • Non-Members are able to reserve Pickleball & Platform Tennis Courts up to 3 days in advance. Non-Member Rates Apply.

-Members are allowed up to (1) 30, 60, 90, 120 Minute Court Reservation per Racquet Sport each day. You are allowed to book again that day once the First Reservation has been completed.
-Members are only allowed to book 1 Court per Host. (i.e) A member cannot book multiple courts under their name as Host.  *Multiple family members can book courts at same time but must remain the host & be playing in the games (No Exceptions). All Bookings will be monitored by the Coordinator to assure the fairest use of the courts across the membership.
-To maintain quality of service and ease of Check-in process at the time of booking Members are encouraged to fulfill their games with the players who are intending to play when they reserve courts.
-Check In Upon Arrival: Please check in with the front desk upon arrival to confirm your court # assignment & the players on your reservation. The club reserves the right to change your court assignment (however we do our best to accommodate your specific court request but may have to change your court for optimum member and court utilization).

Court Host Responsibility

Host Member (Host is defined as the member who books the reservation) has the responsibility to edit Court Reservation prior to Check-In. (You can now edit your reservation in the online desktop portal (not the App) If the players have been substituted at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.  The Host cannot be changed at the Front Desk.  Please contact the Coordinator in this situation or get approval from a Racquets Staff Member.

Host Can Edit Court Reservations in the Desktop Portal
Changes to your court reservations can be made in the online desktop portal (not the app) by the host, this allows you to add/remove players after the reservation has been made.

Court Host Using a "Guest" Profile
If you are a host who has made a court reservation & has added a “Guest” Profile as one of your players on the reservation by default you will be charged for your guests portion of their court fees. If you do not wish to be charged for your guests portion of their court fees, please have your guest check in with the front desk upon arrival and pay their share or have them create their own account.

24 Hour Cancellation Policy for Classes, Private Lessons & Court Reservations (With the Exception of Platform Tennis Courts, See Below for Details)

Cancellations within 24 hours will be charged the full price. Club Credits are issued for medical reasons (accompanied by a doctor's note) or for classes canceled by the Kingsbury Club. Kingsbury Club reserves the right to cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment. *Please email your coach directly to cancel a private lesson.

Platform Tennis 12-Hour Court Booking Cancellation Policy
Strict 12 Hour Cancellation Policy for Platform Tennis Court Reservations Only (Not Tennis or Pickleball Court Reservations).

However, if your group is on court & the conditions become unplayable please notify the front desk immediately to put a note on your reservation for a partial house account credit of the time missed due to extreme conditions.  These credits will be issued by a coordinator/manager as deemed appropriate. Extreme on court conditions are listed but not limited to (Driving rain, extreme cold below 10°, frostbite warning, accumulating heavy snow). *Your group may not play the entire reservation time then request a credit for extreme conditions.

30 Day Cancellation Policy. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all Membership needs.

Registration for Season Long Programs (Tennis Only)
10% of the cost will apply to a non-refundable registration fee at the time of registration. Within 72 hours of the program session start date all fees are non-refundable. Medical exemptions will be managed case-by-case, with a doctor’s note required. A registration received when a group clinic/lesson session is in progress will be charged the pro-rated amount for the remaining classes if space permits. Kingsbury Club reserves the right to cancel programs due to insufficient enrollment.

Racquets Etiquette
Please follow proper etiquette, especially when you arrive and leave the courts. Leave the court promptly when your scheduled time is over. If you get to a court at your scheduled time and someone is playing, wait until a point is complete and then walk onto your assigned court politely. Use the wall side or assigned walkways behind curtains to get to your court – do not cut across the courts during play, be courteous of other players. Finish your match on time and please clean up after yourself. Be respectful of the Quiet Area while moving behind curtains in the Tennis Facility.

Use of Club Facilities by Non-Members who are Guests of a Member
Guests of members are considered “Non-Members” and required to check-in, create an account prior to check-in, have an active credit card on file, and abide by all Department Rules and Policies.

Youth Policy
6 Weeks - 11 Years old

  • child services
  • all sport courts and pools w/ parent participation

12-14 years old

  • All court reservations (basketball, tennis, pickleball)
  • Pool access
  • Open basketball time
  • General fitness floor w/ parent participation
  • Middle school specific training workouts

14 - 18 years old (14 years old only if in highschool)

  • All of the above
  • Eligible for high school membership
  • Full access
  • Steam room and sauna privileges
  • Group exercise classes
  • Darts, shuffleboard, golf pods
  • Racquet sports ball machines

*Any exception to age minimums are at the discretion of KCM Management for children who demonstrate exceptional racquets skill & knowledge of the rules and court etiquette.

Food and Beverages
No outside food and beverages are allowed within KCM facilities. Reusable beverage containers that contain non-alcoholic beverages are allowed to enter the premises for the consumption of the individual responsible for the beverage and are not to be shared or distributed to any other patrons on the premises.

Damage policy
Any person who willfully or neglectfully causes damage to the KCM facility property shall be held fully responsible for all costs related to the repair for such damage. Patrons are responsible for damage incurred by dependent children and their guests.

-Being able to offer alcohol comes with responsibility. As such, drink only in moderation. 
-All beverages other than water and capped sports drinks are prohibited in the court area. Beverages are only to be consumed in the designated areas of the facility. All patrons shall abide by all laws governing consumption of alcoholic beverages.
-Kingsbury Club Medfield Staff reserve the right to limit/refuse the purchase and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages to any patron at the staff member’s discretion. Staff reserve the right to ask any intoxicated patron to remove themselves safely from the property.
-Never leave alcoholic beverages unattended and always keep them out of reach of children.

Dress Code
KCM requires that all players follow the dress code as listed below for personal hygiene, health, and safety. 
Dress Code:
-Full-length shirt
-Athletic pants/shorts, No Jeans.
-Non-marking shoes.
-Proper attire is required at all times. Hats or other clothing with offensive illustrations or language are not permitted.
-Proper footwear must be worn on all Racquets courts. No flip-flops or toe-less shoes are allowed during play on the courts.

Lost Items
KCM is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Undisclosed items are periodically donated to charity. Please contact the front desk staff with inquiries regarding lost items.

Coaching by KCM Staff Professionals ONLY
Private instruction at KCM may only be provided by Racquets Staff-authorized personnel only. *No Outside baskets of balls unless practicing with a similarly rated player or family member.

KCM Ball Machines
KCM Ball Machines only, no personal ball machines permitted. Click Here for Tennis Ball Machine Etiquette & Pickleball Machine Etiquette.

Racquets programs are of a physical nature and the Kingsbury Club, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees,representatives and agents cannot be held responsible for any loss,claim, injury, damage, or liability sustained or incurred during participation in our programs on the premises of Kingsbury Club Medfield, 2 Ice House Road, Medfield, MA.

Members in Programs
To honor member pricing & registration participation the player must remain an active member throughout the session.

Photo Release
I acknowledge and permit the Kingsbury Club the right to photograph program participants for publicity purposes, in print or electronic media.

Player Responsibility
If you are unsure of our registration policies it is your responsibility to reach out and clarify.


Department Contact for Questions & to Report Violations
Tennis: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Platform Tennis: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pickleball: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank You!
